Discover the silence, which creates inner peace and renews energy for the challenges of daily living. A program developed by Deepak Chopra, MD.
Courses in the Primoridial Sound Meditation technique are given by Jan Roostal who is a certified instructor in Primordial Sound Meditation at the Chopra Center for Well Being in California. Jan has practiced mantra meditation regularly since 1991 and was certified as a teacher in 1999.
Primordial Sound Meditation is a classic form of (silent) mantra meditation. The name is new but the technique originates from the ancient Vedic traditions and has been tried and tested for thousands of years. Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation we get in contact with the spiritual dimension of our existence, which is our essential state.
When we silently repeat our personal mantra, or Primordial Sound, it helps us to take our awareness from activity to the field of silence. Being silent our mind will gain access to the power that is the source of everything that exists in creation. When resuming activity we can experience increased clarity, energy and harmony.
Primordial Sounds, or mantras, are the most basic vibrations of nature. |