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"Ett magnifikt album, kan konstatera att Eckhart Tolle är en av de största andliga mästarna, det här budskapet är mäktigt, framfört med Eckharts lågmälda men underbara humor. Kanske ingenting för en som sitter fast i Maya eller intellektet, eller jo för resten...kanske just för en sådan person!" Jan Roostal
Läs artikel om Tolle i SvD 15 april 2008: http://www.svd.se/nyheter/idagsidan/psykologi/artikel_1132181.svd
Perhaps you can recall a time when you felt more alive than at any other moment—when you had a sudden recognition of beauty, a feeling of deep contentment, and a sense of connection with life greater than you had ever thought possible. And then, this fleeting moment was gone. What if you could recapture that remarkable opening, and make it a consistent way of living in the world? Throughout Europe and North America, a man named Eckhart Tolle has emerged as a teacher with the unique ability to draw us into the awakened state he calls “presence.” With Realizing the Power of Now: An In-Depth Retreat with Eckhart Tolle, you have an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the timeless dimension — “a place within us that always is and ever will be beyond the turmoil of life, a world of calm beyond words, of joy that has no opposite.” |